Perth Tango Club
Alejandro and Marisol are Argentinians based in Athens. They are international travelers (Toronto Tango Festival, Lisbon Tango Marathon, Italy, and visited Perth in 2019. Their dancing ranges from pure tradition to inspiring innovation. Rich in musicality, spotless technique, and a very skillful and precise teaching method to explain this popular dance. When it comes to dancing it is all about improvisation! They have been teaching and performing to renowned places in Buenos Aires such as Club Gricel, La Ideal, Cochabamba 444, La Viruta Tango, Salon Canning, Practica X, El Motivo Tango, Viva la Pepa Milonga, at the show "Tango new Generation "held under the CITA International Tango Festival (2006, 2007) and Misterio Tango Festival Argentina (2017).